Head First Agile A Brain-Friendly Guide To Agil... PATCHED
They then identified all current work related to those areas and decided how to convert the most innovative activities into 25 agile teams. Some existing work was curtailed; some was combined and reconfigured. All of it was coordinated using agile principles and practices to prioritize activities and develop flexible road maps. The product team, for example, first sequenced a list of products to develop and then sketched out scenarios for collaborating with third-party partners on each one.
Head First Agile A Brain-Friendly Guide to Agil...
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Meanwhile, Johnson led the members of the leadership team in drafting an agile manifesto to guide their own behaviors. The document would serve as a kind of north star to help keep them on track and prevent backsliding in their interactions with the team.
Head First Agile is a brain-friendly guide to understanding agile concepts and ideas, which enables you to think about your projects in a better way so as to build better software. The book has two main goals: First and foremost, it gives you a clear idea of what agile is, as well how it helps you create better software and improve your software development team; Second, if you are just preparing for your coming PMI-ACP (Project Management Institute-Agile Certified Practitioner) certification exam. Then Head First Agile has everything you need to pass the exam: a complete exam study guide, exam tips, exam questions, and a full-length practice for PMI-ACP exam.
Head First Agile is useful and valuable for developers, project managers, and others who just want to prepare for passing the PMI-ACP certification exam. Especially for a software team that is considering agile or team members who are interested in agile software development and want to learn more about that, then this book is an absolutely rare first choice for beginners.
"respect, collaboration, ..., and the ablity to adapt to change". Any micromanaged company could claim to have such a mindset:- they respect people (they just ignore them respectfully),- they collaborate (they do a lot of meetings),- they have improvement and learning cycles (when the old experts retire, eventually the new ones might have better ideas),- they have pride in ownership (they congratulate each other when things don't crash too much anymore),- they focus on delivering value (the elder experts tell what must be done, so it must have a good value),- and they adapt to change (they modify their specifications once a year). To my mind, the best definitions are negative ones, i.e. defining what agile is not, like this one from James Coplien in his "Agile Fine-Tuning" talk: "Looking at the history of agile [...] we were doing agile in the 1950s and 1960s, and then all this crap came along, and what really agile is, is taking off all this crap that the managers put on, over the years, to try to control us and try to circumvent people.", or this one by Adrian Cockroft in his SpringOne 2016 keynote (I assume he talked about what others call not-agile, even though (fortunately!) he didn't use the word): "What we found over and over again, was that people were producing a fraction of what they could produce, at most companies, because they would be held back by the process and by stupid rules and by all kinds of things that were just slowing them down." Or definitions that just "delegate to reality", like this one from Uncle Bob in his "The future of programming" talk: "Agile : The process used by disciplined professionals observed in the wild." It's as if every positive definition was bad, which reminds me of the Tao Te Ching (chapter 2) : "In the world each person decides what is good, and it becomes what is bad" (english translation by me, of french translation by Marc de Smedt : "Par le monde chacun décide du bien, et cela devient le mal"). And if by agile we try to define something that would be the right way to work, and would even itself escape any precise definition while adapting to each context, it's not surprising that people struggle to give it a precise definition. If we never have had waterfall-like processes in the first place, we would never have felt the need for such a word, which was primarily coined in opposition to them (as the manifesto puts it : "xxx (the new-but-actually-very-old way) over yyy (the waterfall-rigid-micro-and-over-managed way)"), so I think the term "agile" is better understood as just "not unnecessarily rigid", and that in the long run it should disappear, with people just talking about such or such good practice they figured out (as Adrian Cockroft in his keynote) without systematically trying to label it as "agile". Also, this labeling tends to promote the kind of cargo cults "agile" tried to fight in the first place. Finally, here are my takes on the "if an executive... what it means to have an agile mindset": 1) Short version: An agile mindset is the mindset you naturally have when you are pragmatic and your mind is free from the management fallacies that plague the industry. 2) For longer version, add: These fallacies are what naturally comes to the mind of unknowledgeable people being put in charge of activities they don't understand, and revolve around worshipping and imposing reassuring yet harmful beliefs and ceremonies, such as:- Considering that people with similar diploma must be interchangeable, and therefore must always know all what they need by default, which makes it easy to deal with issues such as learning and forming teams (while there are most often great discrepancies and complementarities between individuals, both psychological and in skills).- Asking people to write and estimate everything down in advance, even though the actual work often precisely consists into figuring out and formalizing what must be done, which causes misguidance and over-constraining of the solutions, and a tendency to organize the work in non-iterative manners and without feedback. In particular, these fallacies don't account for the facts that:- People that do the work, are actually the best placed to know how to do it.- People need more to be told why and where to go, that how to get there.- The bandwidth through which any person can be managed, is extremely small compared to the bandwidth through which a person can manage itself.- Promoting people that have issues with the actual work, to wear suits and tell their former peers and new subordinates how to do the work, will hardly help. 3) Ironic version: An agile mindset is the extraordinary belief that trying to ensure that a sprinter will go fast by asking him to wear hundreds of chronometers and to only contract the muscles he's told to, when he's told to, actually won't help.
The first post made many good points, but the most essential one was"People that do the work, are actually the best placed to know how to do it."Most 'process' approaches to software developement (and many other activities) don't understand this fundamental truth, and are based on the opposite assumption, that the people doing the work need to be 'managed',to be told what to do, how to do it and when it should be done.The term 'agile' has become so watered down, so co-opted for marketing and the cottage industry of books, trainings and consultants, that it has basically lost all meaning.Any process or methodology imposed upon developers is doomed to failure. The most pernicious fraud of all is Scrum, which is the exact opposite of Agile. Point by point, in all it's particulars, Scrum violates every princpile of the Agile manifesto, and is nothing more than a micromanger's wet-dream.
With this article, we set out to show which mindsets and practices are proven to make CEOs most effective. It is the fruit of a long-running effort to study performance data on thousands of CEOs, revisit our firsthand experience helping CEOs enhance their leadership approaches, and extract a set of empirical, broadly applicable insights on how excellent CEOs think and act. We also offer a self-assessment guide to help CEOs (and CEO watchers, such as boards of directors) determine how closely they adhere to the mindsets and practices that are closely associated with superior CEO performance. Our hope is that all CEOs, new or long-tenured, can use these tools to better apply their scarce time and energy.
We take deep pride in taking the lead to not only guide your people in pragmatic Agile ways of working, brain-friendly change and Intent-Based Leadership, but to also involve and engage people to remove obstacles that prevent you from reaching your goals.
Recently a client told me that they were adopting the Spotify Model. Which sounded great at first. Spotify has published some great articles and videos about how they have grown and transformed their organization to be agile. Then it occurred to me that what he was saying was completely wrong. 041b061a72